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Ingredients of Naked and thriving serum  5 Fév 2024 12:48


Renew Serum boasts a carefully chosen selection of nature-derived powerhouses:
Sodium Hyaluronate: This type of hyaluronic acid deeply hydrates the skin, filling in lines and leaves you appearing young.
Ferulic Acid: A powerful antioxidant, it protects the skin from free radical damage, which prevents the formation of wrinkles and at the same time preserves the elasticity of the skin.
Bilberry Fruit Extract: Amino acids are also not predominant; the volume of antioxidants and vitamins is larger, and it supports the skin natural protective function.
Aloe Vera Leaf Juice: It is soothing and moistening and thus significantly reduces irritation and locks moisture in for long hours.
Together with other vegetative extracts involved, the utilization of clean and organic product get the most noteworthy approval of Naked & Thriving.
Read more: https://healthgroovy.com/naked-and-thriving-renew-serum/

10:09 · Médiateur de section: Admin
