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How many times a day a couple has sex?  15 Fév 2024 5:03


A couple's frequency of sexual activity varies greatly and is impacted by a broad range of variables, such as personal preferences, health, dynamics of the relationship, and outside events. Since it depends on each person's particular requirements and preferences, there is no set amount of times that a couple should have sex in a day.

As often as it makes them both feel happy and comfortable, a couple may have sex. While some couples may be OK with fewer sex experiences, others may like having sex many times a day. In order to maintain a good and consenting sexual relationship, it is essential for parties to be transparent about their expectations, limits, and sexual wants.

It might put you under needless strain or make you feel inadequate if you compare your sexual frequency to that of others. The most important thing is that communication is still a vital component of their sexual connection and that both partners are content with the amount of closeness in their relationship. Finding a balance that benefits both parties in a relationship requires open and honest communication if there are issues or differences in sexual wants.


7:59 · Médiateur de section: Admin
